With nearly 1,500 species, Microsporidia represent a group of obligate intracellular eukaryotes infecting multiple animal lineages with veterinary, economic but also medical impacts. To help in understanding the biological functions of these organisms, complete genome sequencing is used routinely. Nevertheless, the proper prediction of the gene-catalogue of an organism is essential to obtain a representative snapshot of its overall lifestyle. MicroAnnot is a dedicated pipeline to the microsporidian sequence annotation using intrinsic data (content and signals) but also extrinsic data from a curated database of accurately annotated microsporidian genes. The functional annotation is carried out with InterProScan 5.
NCBI informations about the 4 species used in MicroAnnot:
Nosema ceranae Encephalitozoon cuniculi Enterocytozoon bieneusi Anncaliia algerae

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Comparative approaches for CDS prediction

Ab initio CDS prediction using Glimmer tool

Evalues used for BLAST search for


Functional Analysis